
Authlib is the ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect clients and servers. It offers generic implementations of RFCs, including OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, JWT and many more. It becomes a Monolithic project that powers from low-level specification implementation to high-level framework integrations.

I’m intended to make it profitable so that it can be Sustainable.


Authlib is a monolithic library. While being monolithic, it keeps everything synchronized, from spec implementation to framework integrations, from client requests to service providers.

The benefits are obvious; it won’t break things. When specifications changed, implementation will change too. Let the developers of Authlib take the pain, users of Authlib should not suffer from it.

You don’t have to worry about monolithic, it doesn’t cost your memory. If you don’t import a module, it won’t be loaded. We don’t madly import everything into the root


Authlib is designed as flexible as possible. Since it is built from low-level specification implementation to high-level framework integrations, if a high level can’t meet your needs, you can always create one for your purpose based on the low-level implementation.

Most of the cases, you don’t need to do so. Flexible has been taken into account from the start of the project. Take OAuth 2.0 server as an example, instead of a pre-configured server, Authlib takes advantage of register.


If you find anything not that flexible, you can ask help on StackOverflow or open an issue on GitHub.


This project is inspired by:

  • OAuthLib
  • Flask-OAuthlib
  • requests-oauthlib
  • pyjwt