

This OAuthClient is designed for developing framework integrations. You are not supposed to use it directly, check out Flask OAuth Client and Django OAuth Client instead.

A mixed OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 client, one to control them both. With OAuthClient, we make the authorization much similar. It is the base class for framework integrations.

OAuthClient will automatically detect whether it is OAuth 1 or OAuth 2 via its parameters. OAuth 1 has request_token_url, while OAuth 2 doesn’t.

To use OAuthClient for requesting user resources, you need to subclass it, and implement a OAuthClient.get_token() method:

class MyOAuthClient(OAuthClient):
    def get_token(self):
        return get_current_user_token()

OAuth 1 Flow

Configure an OAuth 1 client with OAuthClient:

client = OAuthClient(
    client_id='Twitter Consumer Key',
    client_secret='Twitter Consumer Secret',

There are other options that you could pass to the class. Please read the API documentation.

Redirect to Authorization Endpoint

There is a request token exchange in OAuth 1, in this case, we need to save the request token before heading over to authorization endpoint:

def save_request_token(token):
    session['token'] = token

# The first ``redirect_uri`` parameter is optional.
url, state = client.generate_authorize_redirect(

Now we will get a redirect url to the authorization endpoint. The return value is a tuple of (url, state), in OAuth 1, state will always be None.

Get Access Token

If permission is granted, we can fetch the access token now:

def get_request_token():
    return session.pop('token', None)

redirect_uri = session.pop('redirect_uri', None)
params = parse_response_url_qs()
token = client.fetch_access_token(
    redirect_uri, get_request_token=get_request_token, **params)

OAuth 2 Flow

The flow of OAuth 2 is similar with OAuth 1, and much simpler:

client = OAuthClient(
    client_id='GitHub Client ID',
    client_secret='GitHub Client Secret',
    client_kwargs={'scope': 'user:email'},

Redirect to Authorization Endpoint

Unlike OAuth 1, there is no request token. The process to authorization server is very simple:

redirect_uri = 'https://example.com/auth'
url, state = client.generate_authorize_redirect(redirect_uri)
# save state for getting access token
session['state'] = state

Note that, in OAuth 2, there will be a state always, you need to save it for later use.

Get Access Token

It’s the same as OAuth 1. If permission is granted, we can fetch the access token now:

redirect_uri = session.pop('redirect_uri', None)
params = parse_response_url_qs()
# you need to verify state here
assert params['state'] == session.pop('state')
token = client.fetch_access_token(redirect_uri, **params)

Compliance Fix

Since many OAuth 2 providers are not following standard strictly, we need to fix them. It has been introduced in Compliance Fix for non Standard.

For OAuthClient, we can register our hooks one by one, with OAuth2Session.register_compliance_hook():

client.session.register_compliance_hook('protected_request', func)

However, there is a shortcut attribute for it. You need to construct a method which takes session as the parameter:

def compliance_fix(session):

    def fix_protected_request(url, headers, data):
        # do something
        return url, headers, data

    def fix_access_token_response(response):
        # patch response
        return response

        'protected_request', fix_protected_request)
        'access_token_response', fix_access_token_response)
    # register other hooks

Later, when you initialized OAuthClient, pass it to the client parameters:

client = OAuthClient(

It will automatically patch the requests session for OAuth 2.