Authorization Server

The Authorization Server provides several endpoints for temporary credentials, authorization, and issuing token credentials. When the resource owner (user) grants the authorization, this server will issue a token credential to the client.

Resource Owner

Resource Owner is the user who is using your service. A resource owner can log in your website with username/email and password, or other methods.

A resource owner MUST implement get_user_id() method:

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

    def get_user_id(self):


A client is an application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization. It contains at least three information:

  • Client Identifier, usually called client_id
  • Client Password, usually called client_secret
  • Client RSA Public Key (if RSA-SHA1 signature method supported)

Authlib has provided a mixin for SQLAlchemy, define the client with this mixin:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import OAuth1ClientMixin

class Client(db.Model, OAuth1ClientMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')
    user = db.relationship('User')

A client is registered by a user (developer) on your website. Get a deep inside with ClientMixin API reference.

Temporary Credentials

A temporary credential is used to exchange a token credential. It is also known as “request token and secret”. Since it is temporary, it is better to save them into cache instead of database. A cache instance should has these methods:

  • .get(key)
  • .set(key, value, expires=None)
  • .delete(key)

A cache can be a memcache, redis or something else. If cache is not available, there is also a SQLAlchemy mixin:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import OAuth1TemporaryCredentialMixin

class TemporaryCredential(db.Model, OAuth1TemporaryCredentialMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')
    user = db.relationship('User')

To make a Temporary Credentials model yourself, get more information with ClientMixin API reference.

Token Credentials

A token credential is used to access resource owners’ resources. Unlike OAuth 2, the token credential will not expire in OAuth 1. This token credentials are supposed to be saved into a persist database rather than a cache.

Here is a SQLAlchemy mixin for easy integration:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import OAuth1TokenCredentialMixin

class TokenCredential(db.Model, OAuth1TokenCredentialMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')
    user = db.relationship('User')

def set_user_id(self, user_id):
    self.user_id = user_id

If SQLAlchemy is not what you want, read the API reference of TokenCredentialMixin and implement the missing methods.

Timestamp and Nonce

The nonce value MUST be unique across all requests with the same timestamp, client credentials, and token combinations. Authlib Flask integration has a built-in validation with cache.

If cache is not available, there is also a SQLAlchemy mixin:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import OAuth1TimestampNonceMixin

class TimestampNonce(db.Model, OAuth1TimestampNonceMixin)
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

Define A Server

Authlib provides a ready to use AuthorizationServer which has built-in tools to handle requests and responses:

from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth1 import AuthorizationServer
from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import create_query_client_func

query_client = create_query_client_func(db.session, Client)
server = AuthorizationServer(app, query_client=query_client)

It can also be initialized lazily with init_app:

server = AuthorizationServer()
server.init_app(app, query_client=query_client)

It is strongly suggested that you use a cache. In this way, you don’t have to re-implement a lot of the missing methods.

There are other configurations. It works well without any changes. Here is a list of them:

OAUTH1_TOKEN_GENERATOR A string of module path for importing a function to generate oauth_token
OAUTH1_TOKEN_SECRET_GENERATOR A string of module path for importing a function to generate oauth_token_secret.
OAUTH1_TOKEN_LENGTH If OAUTH1_TOKEN_GENERATOR is not configured, a random function will generate the given length of oauth_token. Default value is 42.
OAUTH1_TOKEN_SECRET_LENGTH A random function will generate the given length of oauth_token_secret. Default value is 48.

These configurations are used to create the token_generator function. But you can pass the token_generator when initializing the AuthorizationServer:

def token_generator():
    return {
        'oauth_token': random_string(20),
        'oauth_token_secret': random_string(46)

server = AuthorizationServer(

Server Hooks

There are missing hooks that should be register_hook to AuthorizationServer. There are helper functions for registering hooks. If cache is available, you can take the advantage with:

from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth1.cache import (
from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import register_token_credential_hooks

register_nonce_hooks(server, cache)
register_temporary_credential_hooks(server, cache)
register_token_credential_hooks(server, db.session, TokenCredential)

If cache is not available, here are the helpers for SQLAlchemy:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth1 import (

register_nonce_hooks(server, db.session, TimestampNonce)
register_temporary_credential_hooks(server, db.session, TemporaryCredential)
register_token_credential_hooks(server, db.session, TokenCredential)

Server Implementation

It is ready to create the endpoints for authorization and issuing tokens. Let’s start with the temporary credentials endpoint, which is used for clients to fetch a temporary credential:

@app.route('/initiate', methods=['POST'])
def initiate_temporary_credential():
    return server.create_temporary_credentials_response()

The endpoint for resource owner authorization. OAuth 1 Client will redirect user to this authorization page, so that resource owner can grant or deny this request:

@app.route('/authorize', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def authorize():
    # make sure that user is logged in for yourself
    if request.method == 'GET':
            req = server.check_authorization_request()
            return render_template('authorize.html', req=req)
        except OAuth1Error as error:
            return render_template('error.html', error=error)

    granted = request.form.get('granted')
    if granted:
        grant_user = current_user
        grant_user = None

        return server.create_authorization_response(grant_user=grant_user)
    except OAuth1Error as error:
        return render_template('error.html', error=error)

Then the final token endpoint. OAuth 1 Client will use the given temporary credential and the oauth_verifier authorized by resource owner to exchange the token credential:

@app.route('/token', methods=['POST'])
def issue_token():
    return server.create_token_response()