Authorization Server

The Authorization Server provides several endpoints for authorization, issuing tokens, refreshing tokens and revoking tokens. When the resource owner (user) grants the authorization, this server will issue an access token to the client.

Before creating the authorization server, we need to understand several concepts:

Resource Owner

Resource Owner is the user who is using your service. A resource owner can log in your website with username/email and password, or other methods.

A resource owner SHOULD implement get_user_id() method, lets take SQLAlchemy models for example:

class User(Model):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    # other columns

    def get_user_id(self):


A client is an application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization. It contains at least three information:

  • Client Identifier, usually called client_id
  • Client Password, usually called client_secret
  • Client Token Endpoint Authentication Method

Authlib has provided a mixin for SQLAlchemy, define the client with this mixin:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth2 import OAuth2ClientMixin

class Client(Model, OAuth2ClientMixin):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(
        Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')
    user = relationship('User')

A client is registered by a user (developer) on your website. If you decide to implement all the missing methods by yourself, get a deep inside with ClientMixin API reference.



Only Bearer Token is supported by now. MAC Token is still under drafts, it will be available when it goes into RFC.

Tokens are used to access the users’ resources. A token is issued with a valid duration, limited scopes and etc. It contains at least:

  • access_token: a token to authorize the http requests.
  • refresh_token: (optional) a token to exchange a new access token
  • client_id: this token is issued to which client
  • expires_at: when will this token expired
  • scope: a limited scope of resources that this token can access

With the SQLAlchemy mixin provided by Authlib:

from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth2 import OAuth2TokenMixin

class Token(db.Model, OAuth2TokenMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')
    user = db.relationship('User')

A token is associated with a resource owner. There is no certain name for it, here we call it user, but it can be anything else.

If you decide to implement all the missing methods by yourself, get a deep inside with TokenMixin API reference.


Authlib provides a ready to use AuthorizationServer which has built-in tools to handle requests and responses:

from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2 import AuthorizationServer

def query_client(client_id):
    return Client.query.filter_by(client_id=client_id).first()

def save_token(token_data, request):
    if request.user:
        user_id = request.user.get_user_id()
        # client_credentials grant_type
        user_id = request.client.user_id
        # or, depending on how you treat client_credentials
        user_id = None
    token = Token(

# or with the helper
from authlib.integrations.sqla_oauth2 import (
query_client = create_query_client_func(db.session, Client)
save_token = create_save_token_func(db.session, Token)

server = AuthorizationServer(
    app, query_client=query_client, save_token=save_token

It can also be initialized lazily with init_app:

server = AuthorizationServer()
server.init_app(app, query_client=query_client, save_token=save_token)

It works well without configuration. However, it can be configured with these settings:

OAUTH2_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN A dict to define expires_in for each grant
OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_GENERATOR A function or string of module path for importing a function to generate access_token
OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN_GENERATOR A function or string of module path for importing a function to generate refresh_token. It can also be True/False
OAUTH2_ERROR_URIS A list of tuple for (error, error_uri)


Here is an example of OAUTH2_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN:

    'authorization_code': 864000,
    'implicit': 3600,
    'password': 864000,
    'client_credentials': 864000

Here is an example of OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_GENERATOR:

def gen_access_token(client, grant_type, user, scope):
    return create_some_random_string()

OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN_GENERATOR accepts the same parameters.

Now define an endpoint for authorization. This endpoint is used by authorization_code and implicit grants:

from flask import request, render_template
from your_project.auth import current_user

@app.route('/oauth/authorize', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def authorize():
    # Login is required since we need to know the current resource owner.
    # It can be done with a redirection to the login page, or a login
    # form on this authorization page.
    if request.method == 'GET':
        grant = server.validate_consent_request(end_user=current_user)
        return render_template(
    confirmed = request.form['confirm']
    if confirmed:
        # granted by resource owner
        return server.create_authorization_response(grant_user=current_user)
    # denied by resource owner
    return server.create_authorization_response(grant_user=None)

This is a simple demo, the real case should be more complex. There is a little more complex demo in

The token endpoint is much easier:

@app.route('/oauth/token', methods=['POST'])
def issue_token():
    return server.create_token_response()

However, the routes will not work properly. We need to register supported grants for them.

Register Error URIs

To create a better developer experience for debugging, it is suggested that you creating some documentation for errors. Here is a list of built-in Token Model.

You can design a documentation page with a description of each error. For instance, there is a web page for invalid_client:

In this case, you can register the error URI with OAUTH2_ERROR_URIS configuration:

   ('invalid_client', ''),
   # other error URIs

If there is no OAUTH2_ERROR_URIS, the error response will not contain any error_uri data.

I18N on Errors

It is also possible to add i18n support to the error_description. The feature has been implemented in version 0.8, but there are still work to do.